Your claim submission has been cancelled.

Cancel Claim Submission?

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Cancel Claim Submission?

Opening this page will cancel the submission process and you will lose all information entered. Are you sure?

Oops...something went wrong.

An unexpected error has occurred. Please try again. If the error persists, please contact us.


Please enter the name of the provider who rendered the services.

Upload Files


To help us process your claim, please upload the copy of itemized invoice(s) and receipt(s).

  1. You may drag and drop your file(s) here or click to browse for images on your PC or mobile device.
  2. Acceptable file types: .PDF, .JPG, .JPEG, .TIF, .TIFF or .PNG
  3. ZIP files cannot be submitted.
  4. Total file size must be greater than 0MB and less than 5MB.
  5. Files must not be password protected.
  6. Only one period is allowed in file name (e.g. “claim.file.pdf” is not allowed).
  7. A filename cannot contain any of the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > |

Drag and drop file(s) below to Upload or
click to browse for files

Total file size cannot be greater than 5MB.

File size must be greater than 0 bytes.

File name cannot contain more than one period.

Duplicate file cannot be uploaded.

File type must be .PDF, .JPG, .JPEG, .TIF, .TIFF or .PNG. Please rename file.

File name cannot contain \ /:*?"<>|. Please rename file.

At least one file must be uploaded.

File name cannot be more than 150 characters.Please rename the file.

You must select the attestation box in order to submit your claim.

Upload Failed.

Potential virus detected on your file(s); unable to upload. Please correct and try again.

File(s) affected:

Enter Claim Information

We're happy to process your claim for you. Please provide your claim information below. A separate claim should be submitted for each:

  • Member
  • Provider
  • Claim Currency

At the end of this process you will receive a claim submission number.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

We see you have a Global Care Card! That's great! If you used your Global Care Card to pay for the services you are claiming, you must upload your documentation to your pending transaction here.

Please note that continuing to file a claim for services paid for with the Global Care Card may result in overpayment to you. Any overpayments will be recovered by our payment collections team and card privileges may be revoked.

GCC Card

Member is required.

Provider is required.

Provider name allows only alphanumeric characters and ! # $ & ( ) " , . / : ; @ [] \ _ ` ‘ ’ “ ” + ' \ - – Ž Θ Ξ Ο Π Σ Ω

Provider Country is required.

Please enter a valid country name.

Provider Country allows only alphabetic characters and . - & ' ( ) , Å ô é

If your claim was incurred in the U.S., you may continue with your submission but you will not be able to track your status here. Please visit the U.S. claims page to do so.

Provider City is required.

Provider City allows only alphanumeric characters and . - & ; ' ,

Claim Nickname is required.

Claim Nickname allows only alphanumeric characters and . - & ; ',

Billed Amount is required.

Billed Amount must be a valid number.

Billed Amount must be greater than zero.

Claim Currency is required.

Please enter a valid currency.

Claim Currency allows only alphabetic characters and . - & '

Date of Service is required.

Date of Service cannot be a future date.

Please provide the member's diagnosis (for example: strep throat, back pain) or, if available, the ICD10 diagnosis code from your invoice.


Diagnosis is required.

Diagnosis allows only alphanumeric characters and . - & ; ' ,

Please provide a brief description of the treatment or services received (for example: office visit plus blood work).


Description of Treatment is required.

Description of Treatment allows only alphanumeric characters and . - & ; ' ,

Review Reimbursement Preference and Submit Claim

Edit Reimbursement Preference

Claim Information




Provider Country

Provider City

Claim Nickname

Subscriber Name

Billed Amount

Claim Currency

Date of Service


Description of Treatment



Reimbursement Preference

This is your current reimbursement preference. If you change your reimbursement preference now, any claims currently being processed will be paid using that preference. Alternatively, you may elect a one-time reimbursement preference for this claim only.

*Choosing this option does not change your default preference for future claims.

Note: We allow dependents over the age of 18 to specify a one-time reimbursement for their claims.

Payee Name

Payee Name as it appears on your bank account.

Oops...something went wrong.

An error occured during file upload. Please upload the files again.